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A Complete “Decimation” of the Financial System is Upon Us; Why This Time It’s Different

A Complete “Decimation” of the Financial System is Upon Us; Why This Time It’s Different

A Complete “Decimation” of the Financial System is Upon Us; Why This Time It’s Different

A Complete “Decimation” of the Financial System is Upon Us

“Physical economy is basically the same and there’s a one new ownership, which is really disheartening,” says David Morgan, founder of The Morgan Report. In an interview with Daniela Cambone, he emphasizes that while a financial reset entails a change in ownership dynamics, it doesn’t interrupt economic activity; rather, it recalibrates ownership within the existing physical economy. He also advises investors to prioritize the intrinsic value of gold over its face price, recognizing its stability amid financial uncertainties. Lastly, he concludes the interview with a piece of life wisdom. “In the turmoil of financial uncertainty, the true wealth lies not in what we possess, but in our resilience to adapt and persevere.”
Credit to : ITM TRADING, INC.

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