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China & the American Imperial Economy | Louis-Vincent Gave

China & the American Imperial Economy | Louis-Vincent Gave

In Episode 364 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Gavekal CEO Louis-Vincent Gave about de-dollarization, U.S. re-industrialization, and his case for a Chinese “deflationary boom” and revaluation of the renminbi.

In the first hour of their conversation, Demetri asks Louis-Vincent Gave about the most important trends set to define the investment landscape in the years ahead. Gave argues that the U.S. and Europe are set to undergo a long period of structurally high inflation while China’s economy is set to experience a “deflationary boom” partly driven by rapid advancements in key industries like semiconductor manufacturing and electric vehicles.

In the second hour, Gave explains why he believes that the American imperial model of dollar recycling is unsustainable and why de-dollarization is a prerequisite for the re-industrialization of the United States. They also discuss whether or not America needs an industrial policy to reverse the multi-decade financialization of the U.S. economy that has driven up asset prices relative to their underlying income streams, exacerbating the wealth divide while destabilizing the country’s political system
Credit to : Hidden Forces

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